
Upsell/Cross-sell - Enterprise Software Company Template

Meeting Prep Checklist

Review the customer's history and current use of the product
Identify potential upsell or cross-sell opportunities based on customer's needs
Gather relevant product information and prepare sales materials
Research industry trends related to the customer's business
Set clear objectives for the meeting

Meeting Agenda Template

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Discuss customer’s current use of the product
  • Understand customer's business objectives and potential gaps
  • Present features and benefits of the additional product or service
  • Showcase success stories or case studies of similar upsell/cross-sell situations
  • Address questions and concerns
  • Outline next steps and potential timeline for implementation

Meeting Notes Template

  • Attendees and their roles
  • Customer's current product usage and satisfaction level
  • Identified business objectives and potential gaps
  • Product or service discussed as a potential solution
  • Questions, concerns, and answers
  • Agreed next steps and timeline

Meeting Follow-up Checklist

Update CRM with meeting notes, any recording/transcript and outcomes
Scheduled a new meeting for detailed discussion if required
Send follow-up email summarising the meeting and outlining next steps
Share a summary of the meeting with colleagues
Prepare for next meeting based on agreed objectives and timeline