
Proposal Presentation Template

Meeting Prep Checklist

Set clear meeting objectives
Review any previous interactions with the prospect
Research the prospect's industry, competitors, and market trends
Know their organization's history, mission, and values
Fully understand your product's/service's highlights and key benefits
Identify the prospect's needs, pain points, or challenges
Prepare a detailed proposal addressing the prospect’s needs, pain points, and challenges
Practice presenting your proposal in a concise, engaging manner
Prep relevant case studies or success stories
Identify common objections and prepare detailed responses
Gather and ready any materials related to the prospect's needs
Coordinate team roles and responsibilities
Share the meeting agenda early
Test your tech
Have a backup plan ready

Meeting Agenda Template

  1. Opening and Agenda Review
  • Welcome and introductions
  • Recap of agenda and objectives
  1. Product Introduction
  • Give a brief overview of your company and product or service
  • Discuss what the prospect can expect to gain from your product or service
  1. Prospect’s Needs and Goals
  • Review the prospect's pain points, challenges, and goals
  • Confirm the prospect's specific areas of interest or concern
  1. Proposal Presentation
  • Present a detailed overview of your solution
  • Promote key features and benefits that address the prospect's needs and goals
  • Highlight key benefits and advantages of your solution vs. others
  • Reiterate how your product solves the prospect's challenges.
  • Summarize the key value points demonstrated
  • Share relevant case studies and success stories to reinforce your solution
  • Provide any available packages or pricing options
  • Provide a price breakdown or ROI analysis to showcase value
  1. Q & A and Objections
  • Anticipate and address common objections with thorough responses
  • Encourage the prospect to ask questions and share feedback or concerns
  • Provide clear and concise responses to the prospect’s feedback
  • Recap the value of your solution in response to raised objections
  1. Next Steps
  • Discuss the timeline and next steps in the sales process
  • Review any upcoming meetings or follow-up actions
  • Discuss any additional resources or materials you will provide
  1. Closing and Thank You
  • Summarize the key points
  • Confirm the prospect's commitment and timeline for the next steps
  • Thank the prospect for their time and consideration

Meeting Notes Template

  1. Basic Information
  • Date and time
  • Attendees and their roles
  • Key decision-makers
  • Contact information
  1. Key Features and Functions
  • Product/service offerings and features presented
  • Key features that specifically align with the prospect’s needs or pain points
  • Prices and packaging information provided
  • Any technical specifications or requirements (system compatibility, data migration needs, etc.)
  1. Prospect Information
  • Prospect’s pain points, needs, or challenges
  • Prospect’s goals and objectives
  • Competitors or alternative solutions the prospect is considering
  1. Proposal Specifics
  • Prospect’s interest level in specific features
  • Prospect’s reaction to different stages of the presentation
  • Prospect’s questions, concerns, or objections and your responses
  • Positive or negative feedback from the prospect
  1. Next Steps
  • Agreed-upon next steps and deadlines
  • Roles and responsibilities for next steps
  1. Summarize
  • Key takeaways and confirmed next steps

Meeting Follow-up Checklist

Review meeting notes
Update CRM with meeting notes and contact information
Update outcomes and potential deal or opportunity records in CRM
Upload meeting recording/transcript to CRM
Schedule a follow-up meeting if applicable
Review the prospect’s feedback and concerns
Prepare detailed responses to raised objections for follow-up communications
Share key takeaways and insights with relevant colleagues
Address any action items or follow-up tasks agreed upon
Send customized follow-up email thanking the prospect, recapping the meeting, addressing objections, and outlining next steps
Share any additional resources with the prospect
Set a reminder for follow-up meeting
Plan and prepare for follow-up meeting