
Negotiation Template

Meeting Prep Checklist

Set clear objectives for the meeting
Establish your priorities, non-negotiables, and desired outcomes
Review any past interactions with all participants
Research the other party's industry, strategies, negotiation style, goals, pain points, and challenges
Understand the participant's decision-makers and influencers
Identify common ground (shared goals, values, and interests)
Establish a Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) and Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (WATNA)
Develop a clear negotiation strategy (opening position, target position, and walk-away point)
Anticipate potential responses and prepare thorough counters
Conduct mock negotiations and role-play different scenarios
Gather data, facts, and supporting evidence
Identify potential objections/counterarguments; develop detailed counteroffers and strategies
Clarify roles and responsibilities during the negotiation
Craft a persuasive and compelling opening statement that sets a positive tone
Determine where you are willing to make concessions and what trade-offs you can offer

Meeting Agenda Template

  1. Opening and Agenda Review
  • Welcome and introductions
  • Recap of agenda and purpose
  • Review negotiation goals
  1. Proposal Presentations and Positions
  • Parties present proposals and positions
  • Discuss questions/concerns and clarify any unclear points
  1. Negotiation and Proposal Amendments
  • Begin negotiation process
  • Discuss and propose amendments
  1. Break
  • Allow for a break if necessary
  1. Continued Negotiation
  • Resume negotiation and aim to reach a consensus
  1. Agreement, Action Items, and Follow-Up
  • Summarize agreements and address remaining issues
  • Confirm action items and follow-up plan
  1. Discussion, Feedback, and Evaluation
  • Answer any remaining questions or concerns
  • Discuss feedback and potential improvements
  1. Closing and Thank You
  • Summarize key points and agreements reached
  • Thank participants for their engagement

Meeting Notes Template

  1. Basic Information
  • Date and time
  • Attendees and their roles
  • Key decision-makers
  • Contact information
  1. Key Agreements and Action Items
  • Specific agreements reached
  • Negotiation terms, conditions, and compromises
  • Action items assigned to each party (i.e., responsibilities, deadlines, and follow-up actions)
  1. Open Issues and Concerns
  • Unresolved issues, questions, or concerns
  • Plans for further discussion or clarification
  1. Proposals and Offers
  • Proposals and counteroffers made
  • Any associated conditions or requirements
  1. Clarifications and Questions
  • Questions from either party and responses
  • Follow-up actions agreed upon
  1. Participants’ Information
  • Decision-making process, decision-makers, and influencing factors
  • Participants’ communication styles, reactions, non-verbal cues, and emotions displayed during the negotiation
  • Your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) and Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (WATNA)
  1. Negotiation Summary
  • Timing of major milestones achieved and overall progress of the negotiation
  • Positive and negative portions of the meeting
  • Additional points or statements that might require addressing
  • Effectiveness of your prepared strategies and tactics
  1. Next Steps and Follow-Up Actions
  • Agreed-upon next steps and deadlines
  • Roles and responsibilities for next steps

Meeting Follow-up Checklist

Review meeting notes and summary
Update CRM with meeting notes, recording/transcript, and contact information
Update agreements, decisions, and next-steps in CRM
Conduct an internal debriefing session with your team and ask for feedback
Outline and assign action items, responsibilities, and deadlines
Share outcomes and any relevant action items from the negotiation with stakeholders
Send a follow-up email summarizing key points of the negotiation, reiterating agreed-upon terms, and thanking the participants for their time
Schedule a follow-up meeting if applicable
Set a reminder and plan for follow-up meeting
Act on action items promptly
Maintain open communication and provide updates on progress
Track progress of action items, agreements, deadlines, and KPIs
Refine your negotiation strategies based on what worked well and what could be improved
Document learnings and insights